Category Archives: Trixieverse Books

The Trixieverse novels, on!

Clean Versus Dirty

There was dust on the floor of the Crusader’s Clubhouse. Scootaloo eyed it, and fired up her wings—only to hastily stop at a squeak of dismay from Sweetie Belle. Chastened, she instead dusted an area with her magenta tail, and glanced again at her fillyfriend. Continue reading

Pert Piquant Peasant


It was a stupid fall day, the colors completely wrong and sneering mockingly in their irritating tacky garishness, as Diamond Tiara sat and waited, glaring at leaves like she meant to knock them off the trees through sheer annoyance. Continue reading

Derpy Desires

Rarity stood in the center of her inner sanctum, surrounded by all the trappings of her sickness and glorious perversion, and stared trembling at the wall. She could feel Derpy watching her, that golden gaze drinking her in. Slowly, ever so slowly, Rarity dared shift her gaze, face scarlet with embarrassment, heart pounding, until she so very nearly met Derpy’s lovely derpy eyes… Continue reading