Rainbow Dash blasted across the sky, a deafening prismatic boom following in her wake. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Big Macintosh
“Well, if I can’t have a cape, you should at least let me have a mask!” protested Lyra. Continue reading
Loving The Predator
Thousands of feet in the air was a really terrible place to be told that. Continue reading
Little Lost Sheep
Granny Smith would not leave her room. She would not speak to her family. Continue reading
“Do you still think we should… you know?” whispered Sweetie Belle, peering around the Crusader clubhouse. Continue reading
Back In Town
“Twilight, darling?” Continue reading
Full Circle
From An Undisclosed Location
Pinkie Pie’s eyelids fluttered, without opening, and she nuzzled the pillow and yawned. Continue reading
Fluttershy flew hesitantly toward the barn. Continue reading
Big Macintosh packed up his things. Wasn’t much—pictures of the family, fetlock trimmers, the doll he’d got from Twilight Sparkle that time. It seemed like awfully little to make up a life. Continue reading
Rainbow Dash glowed with that wonderful energy of Continue reading
Best Laid Plans
Alis Aquilae
The night air was warm and still, as two pony figures crept towards the Carousel Boutique. Continue reading
Big Macintosh farms. Blazes ain’t properly crops, nohow!
Snowball In Hell
In this post-Bronycon episode of Trixieverse Builds, damage to Applejinx’s voice means that Big Macintosh must take over the Minecrafting—using AJ’s natural post-con voice! He builds a special snowman station just off the Blaze Farm, for free XP getting and general snowy fun.