“Applejaaack!” wailed Rainbow Dash.
“It’s… huurrk!”
“Make up yer damn mind,” snorted Applejack. “It was your idea, sugarcube! As far as I’m concerned, it’s still a lettuce-stealin’ varmint. Do you want to feed it or not?” Continue reading
“Applejaaack!” wailed Rainbow Dash.
“It’s… huurrk!”
“Make up yer damn mind,” snorted Applejack. “It was your idea, sugarcube! As far as I’m concerned, it’s still a lettuce-stealin’ varmint. Do you want to feed it or not?” Continue reading
The drapes were luxurious in the Diplomacy Suite, sumptuous and brocaded. Trixie eyed them speculatively.
“Nice, huh?” said Twilight. “This is for visiting dignitaries. When I was growing up here, Princess Celestia wouldn’t let me play in this room, even when nopony was using it.” Continue reading
“Wait, Rainbow, start over,” said Twilight. “Slow down. Gilda’s back? Does anypony know that? The last time she was in town we nearly had a riot! Rarity got trampled trying to protect Derpy Hooves!”
“She’s not really in town!” said Rainbow Dash. “I told you! She was in the Everfree Forest, lurking around trying to get some hot pony action! And that’s not the craziest part, either!”
Twilight was blinking rapidly as thoughts raced through her head. “I suppose the Everfree Forest might be an appropriate place for Gilda…”
“She’s in love with Fluttershy!” Continue reading
“Oh, no, I quite understand, Twilight,” said Princess Celestia, ruffling her wings nervously.
Twilight Sparkle lifted an eyebrow. “Do you?” Continue reading
“Dear pink and fluffy pony-style, why must your face refuse to smile?”
Zecora gazed solemnly at the heap of blankets, under which lurked a pony. A pink tail protruded. Continue reading
They came trotting sedately down the path to Rarity’s place, three unicorn mares and a huge hideous monster. Continue reading
Spike rode Trixie home as well, both of them looking stern. Continue reading
“Oh, Fluttershy,” moaned Princess Celestia. Continue reading
Twilight Sparkle, her mouth a hard and unforgiving line, walked steadily along the Ghastly Gorge, heading west. When tears did not obscure her vision, she saw the mountains of Los Pegasus rising in the distance, to the west. She didn’t begrudge the tears. Now was the time for them. When she found her quarry, there would be no time for tears. And after she found her quarry, there would be no ‘later’ in which to have them. Continue reading
“There, now,” said Applejack. “You should be all set, Princess. Uhh… how long ya needin’ it for, again?” Continue reading
“What’s so dang funny, Rainbow Dash?” Continue reading
Dawn broke lazily over Sweet Apple Acres.
It was about the only thing in sight that could be described as lazy. Continue reading
The sun shone brightly upon Ponyville as Rarity trotted home to the Carousel Boutique. She smiled and paused to watch Twilight Sparkle fly overhead, bound toward the market, and then she resumed her progress to home and Derpy, anticipating the happy sight of the great love of her life. Continue reading
Between the last episode and this one, SuperGigaSamuri slew the dragon all by himself ;) though Dash helped by knocking out a bunch of towers! We proceed to place the egg, only to find the machine’s derped.
NEXT time we have some changes.
Enderman are not confined to caves. They spawn around that quartz circle near the cave. They have a special sideways sign (because they’re Enderman) saying the mine belongs to Endermen, piss off. They’re gonna be more of an issue for sure.
The Cockroach spawner won’t destroy itself so easily. Floor of the portal room is now obsidian, as is the lava pit, so they won’t obliterate themselves before wrecking you. Coming down from above is still the best approach but may not be enough.
Any fool can place the egg now, so the win condition is guaranteed to work. BUT, the machine physically flings guilty players away from it. I don’t know if it’s possible to fight this in singleplayer but I do know only the Fluttershy may approach. That should work as the final machine tweak.
We will begin another session at a preannounced time, and I’ll probably be announcing when that is, on FIMfiction and the private Blue Vanilla mailinglist. This will be more of a speed run approach: go directly for the stronghold and the Ender Dragon ASAP, if you can get the egg do it, if you leave it back at spawn leave a sign so you can be credited. The Fluttershy will place it and we’ll finally have a endgame that works dramatically :)
Yeah, it’s Applejack left holding the bag on this one: the skin server’s being updated and AJ turned up for some reason.
In this intense climax, Dash and Turner (Fluttershy-for-a-day) make it to the stronghold and explore it (a great example of the AJ Lightin’ lightmaps in action), defeat the Cockroach spawner, brave near death, and then Dash trips over her own hooves and falls into the End, where she blows up a bunch of stuff before getting snuffed by the dragon!
The last episode before the derpy wrap-up. Next round, we have fixed the machine so it flings guilty ponies away from it rather than let them place the dragon egg, and made the Enderman situation trickier by basing them more out in the open! But that is a story for another day…
While trying to find the stronghold, Dash suffers another horrific and gruesome death! Galloping back, she discovers Fluttershy has slain all the monsters pacifistically and gathered up all her dropped stuff. Dash looks nervously at Fluttershy, thinking ‘damn’…