“Arr! No more dilly-dallyin’! Walk the plank, ya swab!” demanded Applejack, ebulliently.
“Yeah!” cried Northern Spy. “Walk the plank, Big Macintosh, right now!”
“Whut plank?” asked Big Macintosh, his ears laid back in dismay. Continue reading
“Arr! No more dilly-dallyin’! Walk the plank, ya swab!” demanded Applejack, ebulliently.
“Yeah!” cried Northern Spy. “Walk the plank, Big Macintosh, right now!”
“Whut plank?” asked Big Macintosh, his ears laid back in dismay. Continue reading
“Whoa!” squeaked Pinkie. “Hey, Fluttershy, form up! I think we can take her!” Continue reading
“You’ve got to tell me, Green Streak!” insisted Pinkie. “What exactly did Numeric Essence say she was doing?” Continue reading
“Did you remember the most important part? Didja didja?”
Only Pinkie Pie could become that excited, creepy and cheerful at the same time. Scootaloo backed up a pace. Continue reading
The ponies, both unicorn and alicorn, fretted before the last magic portal. They’d made it all the way to Camelu, where the last jump awaited. Unfortunately, so did Neighpon Customs.
“How long are they going to make us wait here?” demanded Twilight. She pouted. “It’s a diplomatic insult!” Continue reading
Before Rainbow could fly again, she had to preen her feathers for half an hour. Continue reading
“Soooo…” crooned Pinkie, “I spy, with my inner eye, something… frosted!” Continue reading
“You think we oughta go check up on Pinkie a lil’?” said Applejack, worriedly. “Ah think she’s gittin’ a little outta sorts.” Continue reading
“Could somepony please explain why Mayor Mare is hiding under my bed?” Continue reading
“Eee!” squeaked Fluttershy, flapping as best she could, but it was useless. Continue reading
Gilda peered fretfully at the ominous device. “So… what the heck is that?”
Twilight smiled brightly, perhaps too brightly for such an early morning hour. “Measurements. I’ve adapted it from an earlier experiment. Trixie says she got a feel for what was happening, last night.”
The griffin’s expression was nervous. “Oh, she got a feel all right,” she said, and then as Twilight approached her, she squawked “Not so fast!”
Twilight, rebuffed, blinked. “Why would it matter if I do this fast or slow?”
“Well,” said Gilda grudgingly, “okay. You can’t say I don’t cooperate. Just… can you at least tell me where you’re going to insert it?” Continue reading
Gilda’s birdlike talons wrapped a little closer, protectively. She peered to and fro, uncertain.
Cuddled in those bony, furless arms, Northern Spy nestled against Gilda’s feathery chest. Her wide, fillyish eyes explored everything she could see, and there was a lot to see.
Beakers bubbled. Retorts burbled. Vile foamy liquids went ‘blurp’ ominously.
Twilight Sparkle, clad in a long white lab coat and her mane madly disheveled, beamed toothily at her test subjects. “Welcome to my other secret basement! I promise you probably have nothing to worry about!” Continue reading
Twilight Sparkle stamped a forehoof. “You come out from under that bed, Fluttershy!”
“Won’t!” sobbed the distraught vampegasus. Continue reading
“Um…” came the little voice.
Applejack blinked. She looked behind her. She leapt two feet in the air and dropped her burden.
“Sour mash an’ sweet apples!” she cried. “Rock Candy, look at you! What in Equestria is the reason for that get-up?” Continue reading
“Is this awesome or what?” said Northern Spy. “Now come over here and let me do you. We’re a team!”
Rock Candy’s eyes were very wide. He trembled, and he didn’t move the slightest bit toward eager Spy, the newly Fanged Streak. Continue reading
“Applejaaack!” wailed Rainbow Dash.
“It’s… huurrk!”
“Make up yer damn mind,” snorted Applejack. “It was your idea, sugarcube! As far as I’m concerned, it’s still a lettuce-stealin’ varmint. Do you want to feed it or not?” Continue reading