Celestia smiled as she walked down the hallway, just slightly slower than she had to. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Rarity
“You put it back, right Scootaloo?” said Apple Bloom. Continue reading
“Hi—Rainbow Dash? Can I have a word with you?” Continue reading
Twilight Sparkle beamed in great, horribly feigned delight. Continue reading
Gone Too Far
“But… does it make her happy?” said Lyra, trotting along beside Twilight Sparkle. Her brow was knit in confusion. Continue reading
They had the decency to leave, right away, and allow her time to get the place cleaned up. Continue reading
“It’s like… there are no rules!” said Lyra, entranced. Continue reading
Where Unicorns Dare
Princess Celestia smiled. “It is such a blessing to share your lives in this way, my little ponies. I must express again my deepest gratitude for the indulgence. I know it must seem quite silly, but I assure you, it is anything but.” Continue reading
Lyra felt illicit, as she walked toward the park, kicking autumn leaves up with her dainty hooves. Continue reading
Lyra’s horn glowed as she opened the door to Town Hall—or, rather, opened the door from Town Hall. Continue reading
Full Circle
Shh No Tears
Applejack blinked groggily. It was well past dawn—why had she overslept? She realized that she was holding Rarity, in her sleep, and looking up at Rainbow Dash. Continue reading
Endurance’s Ends
Rainbow Dash trotted along, staying close by Twilight. Applejack and Rarity had run ahead, and were probably talking again. Dash could see the flicking of Applejack’s tail in the distance. She tried not to look. Continue reading
“Comfortable?” inquired Princess Luna. Continue reading
This Is Your Quest
Rainbow Dash stirred, and whimpered in her sleep. It was the dream again—the one that put dark circles under her eyes. Continue reading