There was dust on the floor of the Crusader’s Clubhouse. Scootaloo eyed it, and fired up her wings—only to hastily stop at a squeak of dismay from Sweetie Belle. Chastened, she instead dusted an area with her magenta tail, and glanced again at her fillyfriend. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Sweetie Belle
The Circle Almost Circled
“Rarity came by this morning,” said Trixie. Continue reading
Turn The Stampede
Trixie Lulamoon’s head hung low. Blood dripped from her nose, and her eyes crossed a little, but she forced them straight and gritted her teeth, willing her magical ward to hold for another few seconds as the maddened townsponies charged it. Continue reading
I’ll Take No Denial
“How are you feeling, honey?” crooned Fluttershy, bending solicitously over Pinkie Pie who lay in bed, looking ragged and exhausted. Continue reading
When Ponies Attack
Fluttershy fully intended to be the first pony awake at Sweet Apple Acres, so she could speak to Rainbow Dash about what she’d seen. She’d risen before dawn, and flown alone through the last minutes of night so she could arrive at the farmhouse before even the Apples were awake. Continue reading
The Horseshoe Drops
Rainbow woke. It was dim. She wondered if it was morning, or just afternoon. She wondered what sort of horrible pony would ask herself a question like that. It was no wonder Applejack had given up on her and wandered away. She’d have given up on herself, with relief. It was strange that Applejack had, though… Continue reading
“Do you still think we should… you know?” whispered Sweetie Belle, peering around the Crusader clubhouse. Continue reading
“Rarity?” said Sweetie Belle, hesitantly. Continue reading
Celestia smiled as she walked down the hallway, just slightly slower than she had to. Continue reading
“You put it back, right Scootaloo?” said Apple Bloom. Continue reading
Furtive Sneaks
The moonlight, filtering through the trees south of Ponyville, cast a feeble, blue, dappled light on the ground. Continue reading
Twilight Sparkle beamed in great, horribly feigned delight. Continue reading
Cabin Fever
Applejack blinked, holding the bucket in her mouth, and set it down so she could speak to her surprise guest. Continue reading
They had the decency to leave, right away, and allow her time to get the place cleaned up. Continue reading
“It’s like… there are no rules!” said Lyra, entranced. Continue reading
Morning After
A hoofbeat sounded, in the hallway. Continue reading