They came trotting sedately down the path to Rarity’s place, three unicorn mares and a huge hideous monster. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Trixie
Coming Around
Colts smirked, sitting behind their little desks. Fillies giggled, magic twinkling off their little horns. Continue reading
Back To Earth
Spike rode Trixie home as well, both of them looking stern. Continue reading
Too Near The Sun
“Oh, Fluttershy,” moaned Princess Celestia. Continue reading
Twilight Sparkle, her mouth a hard and unforgiving line, walked steadily along the Ghastly Gorge, heading west. When tears did not obscure her vision, she saw the mountains of Los Pegasus rising in the distance, to the west. She didn’t begrudge the tears. Now was the time for them. When she found her quarry, there would be no time for tears. And after she found her quarry, there would be no ‘later’ in which to have them. Continue reading
Head On
The silence soaked into Golden Oaks Library like some insidious rot. Continue reading
When The Levee Breaks
Twilight gawked at her Princess and mentor, as if Celestia had gone quite mad. Continue reading
Ah My Heart
“Which way is it again?” called Dash. Continue reading
I Know Your Secret
The sun shone brightly upon Ponyville as Rarity trotted home to the Carousel Boutique. She smiled and paused to watch Twilight Sparkle fly overhead, bound toward the market, and then she resumed her progress to home and Derpy, anticipating the happy sight of the great love of her life. Continue reading
No You Don’t
Twilight Sparkle looked Princess Celestia in the eye. Continue reading
Too Many Comings And Goings
“Oh, honey,” said Octavia indulgently. Continue reading
Pert Piquant Peasant
It was a stupid fall day, the colors completely wrong and sneering mockingly in their irritating tacky garishness, as Diamond Tiara sat and waited, glaring at leaves like she meant to knock them off the trees through sheer annoyance. Continue reading
The Circle Almost Circled
“Rarity came by this morning,” said Trixie. Continue reading
Derpy Desires
Rarity stood in the center of her inner sanctum, surrounded by all the trappings of her sickness and glorious perversion, and stared trembling at the wall. She could feel Derpy watching her, that golden gaze drinking her in. Slowly, ever so slowly, Rarity dared shift her gaze, face scarlet with embarrassment, heart pounding, until she so very nearly met Derpy’s lovely derpy eyes… Continue reading
New Morning
Pinkie sighed. “I don’t know, baby. Keep in mind it’s me saying this, and you remember what I went through with Cranky, right? I just feel maybe it might be a good idea to take it easy, try not to expect…” Continue reading
Turn The Stampede
Trixie Lulamoon’s head hung low. Blood dripped from her nose, and her eyes crossed a little, but she forced them straight and gritted her teeth, willing her magical ward to hold for another few seconds as the maddened townsponies charged it. Continue reading