Category Archives: Trixieverse Builds

Daily life on a Minecraft server! Features readers of my Trixieverse books, who’ve built many things: also, the site for the Tales Of Versus set.

Dash’s House Of Screwing

Rainbow Dash hits upon an amazing idea: if you can’t put regular chests right next to each other, make a spiral ramp all the way up the tree house on the inside, with holes in the walls to place chests in! Space-saving, decorative and awesome, resembling a giant screw thread. Dash’s House Of Screwing will be a big hit with ponies!

House Of Awesome

Rainbow Dash starts out lumberjacking, only to be distracted by a question: why isn’t Applejack’s house a whole lot taller, with lots of stories and chests of stuff everywhere and, like, internal balconies and cool things?
Join Rainbow Dash as she tackles this terrible lack of awesomeness!


Rainbow Dash has a passel o’ projects! She has a secret plan for that skelly spawner, but she gets distracted (as always) by another project of great awesomeness: changing the blaze grinder to make it MUCH faster but also MUCH more dangerous.
What’s not to love? Watch carefully!