Category Archives: Trixieverse Builds

Daily life on a Minecraft server! Features readers of my Trixieverse books, who’ve built many things: also, the site for the Tales Of Versus set.

Title Redacted

Technically, it would be ‘Ramming The Juicy End Of Dashie’s Tunnel’ according to Rainbow Dash. And she does enough epic things in this episode to almost deserve the right to that saucy a name, but we think she got a little carried away from all the mining.
But she TOTALLY WINS EVERYTHING guys. Fights through a stronghold end portal room carrying loads of valuables and survives to bring every bit of it home!

Common Sense

As always, Applejack brings the soothing calmness and good common sense. Where’s the sense in gettin’ so worked up about fancy magic things when we’re fixing to build a city?
Funny thing is, ol’ Apple enchanting brings a very fancy magic thing indeed, on a mere 18 levels of XP…