“Sooooo… can you?” asked Scootaloo, gazing up into the impassive rose sunglasses. Continue reading
Tag Archives: adult
“But… how come we don’t want to bring it, Rarity? We’re going to do sex things, that’s the whole point!” Continue reading
The Barnyard Dance
Apple Bloom’s hoof worked away avidly, hungrily. Continue reading
Too Many Comings And Goings
“Oh, honey,” said Octavia indulgently. Continue reading
Breaking Rainbow
“Ah’m sorry? I don’t think I heard you correctly, missy.” Continue reading
Touch Me There
“Well, good mornin’, sugarcube!” called Applejack, a smile in her voice. Continue reading
Disorderly Conduct
The pony voice was slightly raised in disbelief. “She’s late?” Continue reading
The Nerve Of Some Ponies
Discord sulked atop the flagpole, lashing his snakey tail. Continue reading
Pert Piquant Peasant
It was a stupid fall day, the colors completely wrong and sneering mockingly in their irritating tacky garishness, as Diamond Tiara sat and waited, glaring at leaves like she meant to knock them off the trees through sheer annoyance. Continue reading
The Circle Almost Circled
“Rarity came by this morning,” said Trixie. Continue reading
Derpy Desires
Rarity stood in the center of her inner sanctum, surrounded by all the trappings of her sickness and glorious perversion, and stared trembling at the wall. She could feel Derpy watching her, that golden gaze drinking her in. Slowly, ever so slowly, Rarity dared shift her gaze, face scarlet with embarrassment, heart pounding, until she so very nearly met Derpy’s lovely derpy eyes… Continue reading
Rarity stepped nervously towards Twilight Sparkle’s kitchen table, glancing around, her horn glowing as she carried a needle, thread, and cloth. Continue reading
Loving The Predator
Thousands of feet in the air was a really terrible place to be told that. Continue reading
“Do you still think we should… you know?” whispered Sweetie Belle, peering around the Crusader clubhouse. Continue reading
“Luna! Oh, Luna! It’s not going to work, just let me stay with you forever, please?” Continue reading
Back In Town
“Twilight, darling?” Continue reading