Who do you send when the unicorn plans go all awry?
The earth pony!
Applejack, having spoken to the sad and woeful Trixie, works out what Trixie was trying to do—and proceeds to build a spectacular, fairly effective, and very safe Blaze Farm, all by herself!
Tag Archives: Applejack
Common Sense
As always, Applejack brings the soothing calmness and good common sense. Where’s the sense in gettin’ so worked up about fancy magic things when we’re fixing to build a city?
Funny thing is, ol’ Apple enchanting brings a very fancy magic thing indeed, on a mere 18 levels of XP…
Blazing Apples
Applejack is terrified! Now she has to go into the Nether Fortress to get it safe before Dashie charges in, as she will surely do! Spend the day with Applejack as she takes care of the farm chores, talking herself into facing the Nether and the new monster, the Blaze!
Chicken Machine
Sometimes, that Applejack is a right clever lil’ pony!
(nothing compared to the elaborate Wolfden chicken machines, but on the other hand it’s a lot simpler)
Begin Chicken Machine
Applejack gets into some fancy mathematics! Firstly, making a fancy magic shovel, and secondly inventing a chicken machine. Ain’t exactly finishin’ it but it’s a start!
More Spiders?
Applejack wants to pump up the spider spawner until it’s crazy intense! But they’re a mite rebellious about signin’ up for the whole Bucky an’ Kicks experience…
Fisher Of Cows
Applejack’s back being reassuring and calm, working on things around the house and chucklin’ about poor Twilight. She’s got a new wild idea for moving the animals into new feed-lots that has to be seen to be believed. hee!
Spider XP Farm
Applejack builds a spider XP farm—and fights two Enderman! A death-defying yet still strangely mellow episode.
Towards A Mob Spawner
Applejack gets to work, given coordinates by Pinkie Pie: she is mining toward a mob spawner, not knowing what it in fact spawns!
Applejack spends a rainy day mining, and finding a better place for a snowman thanks to Twilight Sparkle’s advice.
Applejack seeks to soothe rattled nerves and comfort upset ponies by workin’ around the house, making it more homey.
Apple Of The Jungle
Applejack sails off to a Jungle Island to get jungle tree saplings! Which goes just fine until she tries to get the stuff home, and tangles with a million monsters. Don’t kick the Endermen, Applejack, unless you’re truly in a safe place to do it from!
Spend a nice peaceful day mining with Applejack, and then watch in awe as the earth poni limbers up some amazing enchanting skills, thanks to Minecraft and libraries!
In this epsiode, Applejack tries to get organized- but things are a bit more complicated than kickin’ trees! A very special Applejack episode.
Apple Nethers
When you need a Nether Hub built, who do you turn to? Who is the master of magic and hell-scapes? Who but THE FARM MARE!
Uhhh…. oops.
All th’ same, there are some lovely moments atop breathtakin’ mountains.
Wood Patio Deck
Applejack’s at work on the farm! And she allows that Nether Portal to be a little less sealed up in a big ol’ hole of rock. I guess you can get used to anything!
And, she makes an AMAZING magic shovel! yeeha!