Applejack cleans house and gets back to plain ole work! She lays the smack-down on them pig things, too!
Tag Archives: Applejack
Home Fires
Applejack’s frazzled again! She’s trying to rebuild her farm with new feed lots, and stumbling across mind-melting redstone inventions as she explores what the new ponies have made, so quickly. And finally she meets Shanawolf who immediately saves her life! :D
Pools Of Lava
Applejack finishes mining for obsidian! Twilight will be pleased :)
Obsidian Hunt
Applejack’s back, trying to get Twilight some obsidian so she can do her magic thing. Back to the poni mines!
Farm Machinery
Applejack hopes to have a quiet day around the farm after all the excitement. She builds a handy automatic chicken coop and furnace loader, and puts in some days of hard work.
Secure The Cave, Secure The Coop
Applejack learns that Twilight’s opened up a scary and dangerous cave, and scrambles to make it safe before Rainbow Dash hears about it!
Bringing Home The Bacon
Applejack’s journey to faraway continents completes with… well, maybe not the biggest triumph Equestria ever saw. But there’s chickens! Well, uh… ‘chicken’ :)
Applejack Is A Sea Pony
Applejack goes on a epic journey across the sea in search of chickens!
Raise This Barn
This house sucks! Applejack sympathizes with Rarity’s helpless inability to make the horrible cave nice, and uproots the whole thing to build a sort of ranch house on the crest of a hill. Things are looking up!
Back in town, Applejack gets busy finding cows and exploring the island some more… and begins to get frustrated with that first house.
APPLES! And farming! And re-exporting the video 3 times because youtube continually derped it and Screenflow throws away the temp file! A very Applejack episode right down to stubbornly hammering away at the upload until it works. DANG.
Applejack Breaks New Ground
This is just for fans, if you don’t get it then don’t sweat it: it is the characters from ‘Trixie’s Magic Bit’ by Applejinx, playing Minecraft and building a city as reference for future original projects. In other words, total madness!
Raise This Farm
Gettin’ back to basics with Applejack!