Applejack is helping her pony friends by making potion ingredients! That strange Time Turner pony has made a fancy potion makin’ machine. It’s tricky to work less’n you are from Gallifrey. She also works on improving her grain silo!
This is the last purely solo Trixieverse Builds: stay tuned for true multipony!
Applejack finishes up the work on her Grain Silo! Not exactly a fancy apparatus, but it does work! Only trouble is, it’s as dangerous as farm machinery traditionally is! Only earth ponies allowed, or them as can fly!
Applejack is determined to seize the day! She replaces the missing anvil at the blaze grinder with her own one, builds a chicken cooker (with manual pick-up to get XP from), begins a whole new grain system and ends up by filling in a lake with a bucket!
Applejack spends a long day! Exploring, chopping trees, doing errands making ice: poor thing gets quite wore out. As usual, it’s having stuff poorly organized that flusters her.
Basically a love song from ‘Applejack’ to bronies! Or maybe just one pony…
Equestria is filled with wonders, marvels fill the air
And by that I’m referrin’ to variety of mares
Yep! Pretty mares a-plenty, to wink and catch your eye
Oh, yes, I saw you lookin’, don’t even think ta lie!
The unicorns and pegasuses got you in a whirl
Them ponies, they git up to stuff to set your mane a-curl
Seems like an earth pony is not the fanciest you’ll find
Well, let me tell you jes’ one reason I’m a special kind
I’m yours I’m yours
I ain’t some faithless fancy hor …se
Aw, sugarcube, I’m yours
Well, ain’t that pretty Lyra mighty easy on the eyes
And our Princess Celestia will make your sunshine rise
You’ll gaze at Luna wishin’ you could cross those many miles
You’ll willin’ly come back to earth for Fluttershy’s sweet smiles
The elegance of Rarity ain’t nothin’ I can fight
And I don’t have ta tell you ’bout the magic of Twilight
Oh, Derpy done won all our hearts, of that I can’t deny
And lordy, how that Rainbow Dash can light up that there sky, but
I’m yours I’m yours
I ain’t some faithless fancy hor …se
Aw, sugarcube, I’m yours
I see your eyes a wanderin’, gives me quite an ache
But it takes more than that to git earth pony heart to break
It’s just your wild oats a talkin’, doing what they do
And I will never fail to see th’ deeper part of you
So dally with the unicorns, fly with pegasi
Well, I can’t do them fancy things and I won’t even try
I understand you when you wander, but please come on home
For I will always love you and you know it in your bones
I’m yours I’m yours
I ain’t some faithless fancy hor …se
Aw, sugarcube, I’m yours
There’s someone that I heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that I dared to dream were of me and you
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
There’s someone that I heard of once in a lullaby
Someday I’ll lay my head to rest and smile as I recall the best
About you
Someday my heart will wave goodbye and I won’t have to stand and cry
And I’ll be without you
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
There’s someone that I heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And are dreams still as beautiful- when they don’t come true?
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
They’ll get over the rainbow
Oh, darling, why oh why can’t I?
I guess it ain’t that likely, that I might learn to fly
My hoofbeats land on rocky ground, the prairie is my sky
Well ain’t it some small miracle, the day I finally found
That when we met halfway I’m walkin’ inches off the ground
And who would have believed it happened when I understood
That you’n me, babe, we’re on to somethin’ good
There ain’t no-pony lovelier, such radiant delight
Cerulean is framed by all the colors of the light
I’ll lay me down beside your body, while the moon does rise
And warm myself forever by the fire in your eyes
How did I waste a lifetime never knowin’ that I could?
For you’n me, babe, we’re on to somethin’ good
My heart, it sings for happiness whenever you’re around
Besides, you pack a kick that’s like no-pony in this town
And I am done with turbulence, with breezes and with flings
Forget the wind, my darling is the world beneath my wings
And no-one’s ever, EVER gonna tell me if I should
Cause you and me, babe, we’re on to something good
And my heart broke with ecstacy right when you said you would
And you and me, babe, we’re on to something good
You and me, babe, we’re on to something good
Lead vocals- Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Acoustic guitar- Applejack
Electric guitar- Applejack
Bass- Fluttershy
Drums- Applejack
Piano- Fluttershy
Choir- Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie
Mixing and production- Applejinx
Rainbow Dash wishes to point out that she too can play electric guitar, but wasn’t allowed to on this song because her amp was too loud.
Thanks to bronies everywhere, and all Equestria.
Image is “AJ+RD: Double Trouble” by jbutler1983
from vectors by SmittyG: “Wet Applejack” and “Wet Rainbow Dash”
I guess it ain’t that likely, that I might learn to fly
My hoofbeats land on rocky ground, the prairie is my sky
Well ain’t it some small miracle, the day I finally found
That when we met halfway I’m walkin’ inches off the ground
And who would have believed it happened when I understood
That you’n me, babe, we’re on to somethin’ good
There ain’t no-pony lovelier, such radiant delight
Cerulean is framed by all the colors of the light
I’ll lay me down beside your body, while the moon does rise
And warm myself forever by the fire in your eyes
How did I waste a lifetime never knowin’ that I could?
For you’n me, babe, we’re on to somethin’ good
My heart, it sings for happiness whenever you’re around
Besides, you pack a kick that’s like no-pony in this town
And I am done with turbulence, with breezes and with flings
Forget the wind, my darling is the world beneath my wings
And no-one’s ever, EVER gonna tell me if I should
Cause you and me, babe, we’re on to something good
And my heart broke with ecstacy right when you said you would
And you and me, babe, we’re on to something good
You and me, babe, we’re on to something good
Lead vocals- Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Acoustic guitar- Applejack
Electric guitar- Applejack
Bass- Fluttershy
Drums- Applejack
Piano- Fluttershy
Choir- Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie
Mixing and production- Applejinx
Rainbow Dash wishes to point out that she too can play electric guitar, but wasn’t allowed to on this song because her amp was too loud.
Thanks to bronies everywhere, and all Equestria.
Image is “AJ+RD: Double Trouble” by jbutler1983
from vectors by SmittyG: “Wet Applejack” and “Wet Rainbow Dash”
Applejack’s lost Lil’ Twangy forever, the bow with which she killed the Ender Dragon! But what really upsets her is that she hurt her friends by allowing them to be killbanned by the server. Time to fix the server! On a more triumphant note, Applejack builds an on-demand egg shooter! No more clicking machines :)
Oh noes! It seems very quiet on the server today. Because the internal Minecraft hardcore has been turned on by mistake! Suddenly everypony who died to Ultra Hardcore (the mod) was getting banned (NOT by the mod!) It was a headache to fix, too!
Applejack hangs out with Shanawolf (who comments on these videos!) and tries to teach herself to talk and type in synch. It’s hard! Then, she proceeds to start gettin’ her farm back to the way she had it, and finishes off the extra-long episode by watching the place get blowed up, and fixing it some more :)
Applejack returns to the server for the first time since it’s gone public, to discover havoc with the farm! The sheep ate all the grass, there’s tree farms and things around, and it’s all cockeyed! She starts to get things in shape, with the help of her fellow ponies.
For those about to join us in the Trixieverse Builds world, and don’t have time to watch the entire LP, here is a server tour! This is what we’re starting with. Applejack gives you the tour of all we’ve got, showing how to get to places and what to do there. Watch this if you want the cliffs notes version to get you started on the server!