Tag Archives: Granny Smith


Kawa and Yosuru crept through the night, keeping near the treeline and peering around by the light of the moon and stars.

Kawa looked up, sharply. “Do you feel that?” he asked, but one glance told him that his Kirin companion felt it, too.

Wrongness. Wickedness, tragedy, injustice, lurking in the shadows… Continue reading

Over The Hills And Far Away

The ponies, both unicorn and alicorn, fretted before the last magic portal. They’d made it all the way to Camelu, where the last jump awaited. Unfortunately, so did Neighpon Customs.

“How long are they going to make us wait here?” demanded Twilight. She pouted. “It’s a diplomatic insult!” Continue reading


“Um…” came the little voice.

Applejack blinked. She looked behind her. She leapt two feet in the air and dropped her burden.

“Sour mash an’ sweet apples!” she cried. “Rock Candy, look at you! What in Equestria is the reason for that get-up?” Continue reading

Gimme A Dun Dun Dunn

“Applejaaack!” wailed Rainbow Dash.


“It’s… huurrk!”

“Make up yer damn mind,” snorted Applejack. “It was your idea, sugarcube! As far as I’m concerned, it’s still a lettuce-stealin’ varmint. Do you want to feed it or not?” Continue reading

Turn The Stampede

Trixie Lulamoon’s head hung low. Blood dripped from her nose, and her eyes crossed a little, but she forced them straight and gritted her teeth, willing her magical ward to hold for another few seconds as the maddened townsponies charged it. Continue reading

Off With Her Head!

Lyra’s hooves pounded the road in a desperate, mad clattering, her nerves accelerating her pace every minute. What if she was too late? That would be a terrible irony, if she of all ponies couldn’t make it in time. It wasn’t for nothing that she’d won Running of the Leaves three times in a row. She was young, toned and healthy, and her tendency toward nervous energy had always translated to the most natural activity for a pony: to run. Continue reading

When Ponies Attack

Fluttershy fully intended to be the first pony awake at Sweet Apple Acres, so she could speak to Rainbow Dash about what she’d seen. She’d risen before dawn, and flown alone through the last minutes of night so she could arrive at the farmhouse before even the Apples were awake. Continue reading