Tag Archives: Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie

Fluttershy, Revised

Fluttershy curled up into an uncomfortable little ball under her bed, the wooden planks wedging against the illusory feathers of her wings. She made a face and curled tighter, ignoring the pain. Maybe her wings would break, she thought. It’s not like she couldn’t fix them anyway, no matter how broken they became. Her evilness would make sure of that. She sobbed at the injustice of it all… the unfairest thing was that she couldn’t even be harmless.

Out in the room, Gilda’s terrifying claws scrabbled against the floor, and dug in several inches, splintering the wood.

“Please come out! Please! I love you!” Continue reading

I Know Your Secret

The sun shone brightly upon Ponyville as Rarity trotted home to the Carousel Boutique. She smiled and paused to watch Twilight Sparkle fly overhead, bound toward the market, and then she resumed her progress to home and Derpy, anticipating the happy sight of the great love of her life. Continue reading